In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit THE JORDAN RIVER

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Women's Bible Study
10:00 AM10:00

Women's Bible Study

The Anglican Women invite all community women to join them in this study presented by Anne Graham Lotz each Tuesday in the Parish Library. Books are available for purchase (from the Parish Office). From the publisher-

The Holy Spirit is not a magic genie, a flame of fire, or a vague feeling; he is our constant companion! Lotz draws on biblical knowledge and personal stories---including her cancer diagnosis---to help us understand and appreciate the meaning behind seven of the titles given to this Third Person: Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby. 304 pages, softcover from Multnomah.

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit THE DESERT

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Women's Bible Study
10:00 AM10:00

Women's Bible Study

The Anglican Women invite all community women to join them in this study presented by Anne Graham Lotz each Tuesday in the Parish Library. Books are available for purchase (from the Parish Office). From the publisher-

The Holy Spirit is not a magic genie, a flame of fire, or a vague feeling; he is our constant companion! Lotz draws on biblical knowledge and personal stories---including her cancer diagnosis---to help us understand and appreciate the meaning behind seven of the titles given to this Third Person: Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby. 304 pages, softcover from Multnomah.

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit GALILEE (Part I)

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Women's Bible Study
10:00 AM10:00

Women's Bible Study

The Anglican Women invite all community women to join them in this study presented by Anne Graham Lotz each Tuesday in the Parish Library. Books are available for purchase (from the Parish Office). From the publisher-

The Holy Spirit is not a magic genie, a flame of fire, or a vague feeling; he is our constant companion! Lotz draws on biblical knowledge and personal stories---including her cancer diagnosis---to help us understand and appreciate the meaning behind seven of the titles given to this Third Person: Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby. 304 pages, softcover from Multnomah.

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit GALILEE (Part II)

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Women's Bible Study
10:00 AM10:00

Women's Bible Study

The Anglican Women invite all community women to join them in this study presented by Anne Graham Lotz each Tuesday in the Parish Library. Books are available for purchase (from the Parish Office). From the publisher-

The Holy Spirit is not a magic genie, a flame of fire, or a vague feeling; he is our constant companion! Lotz draws on biblical knowledge and personal stories---including her cancer diagnosis---to help us understand and appreciate the meaning behind seven of the titles given to this Third Person: Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby. 304 pages, softcover from Multnomah.

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit CAESAREA PHILIPPI

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Women's Bible Study
10:00 AM10:00

Women's Bible Study

The Anglican Women invite all community women to join them in this study presented by Anne Graham Lotz each Tuesday in the Parish Library. Books are available for purchase (from the Parish Office). From the publisher-

The Holy Spirit is not a magic genie, a flame of fire, or a vague feeling; he is our constant companion! Lotz draws on biblical knowledge and personal stories---including her cancer diagnosis---to help us understand and appreciate the meaning behind seven of the titles given to this Third Person: Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby. 304 pages, softcover from Multnomah.

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Ash Wednesday ~ Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes
12:00 PM12:00

Ash Wednesday ~ Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes

The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and the traditional liturgy of the Imposition of Ashes.

The Eucharistic liturgy for the service may be downloaded (Standard Text) HERE and (Renewed Ancient Text) HERE.

The readings will be:

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Ash Wednesday ~ Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes
5:30 PM17:30

Ash Wednesday ~ Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes

The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and the traditional liturgy of the Imposition of Ashes.

The Eucharistic liturgy for the service may be downloaded (Standard Text) HERE and (Renewed Ancient Text) HERE.

The readings will be:

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit JERICHO

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Women's Bible Study
10:00 AM10:00

Women's Bible Study

The Anglican Women invite all community women to join them in this study presented by Anne Graham Lotz each Tuesday in the Parish Library. Books are available for purchase (from the Parish Office). From the publisher-

The Holy Spirit is not a magic genie, a flame of fire, or a vague feeling; he is our constant companion! Lotz draws on biblical knowledge and personal stories---including her cancer diagnosis---to help us understand and appreciate the meaning behind seven of the titles given to this Third Person: Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby. 304 pages, softcover from Multnomah.

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit BETHANY

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Women's Bible Study
10:00 AM10:00

Women's Bible Study

The Anglican Women invite all community women to join them in this study presented by Anne Graham Lotz each Tuesday in the Parish Library. Books are available for purchase (from the Parish Office). From the publisher-

The Holy Spirit is not a magic genie, a flame of fire, or a vague feeling; he is our constant companion! Lotz draws on biblical knowledge and personal stories---including her cancer diagnosis---to help us understand and appreciate the meaning behind seven of the titles given to this Third Person: Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby. 304 pages, softcover from Multnomah.

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit MOUNT OF OLIVES

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit JERUSALEM (Part I)

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit JERUSALEM (Part II)

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In the Steps of Jesus (STARTING AT 9:00 AM) - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:00 AM09:00

In the Steps of Jesus (STARTING AT 9:00 AM) - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit GOLGOTHA (Parts I & II)

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit NAZARETH

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St. Matthias Annual Meeting & Luncheon
12:00 PM12:00

St. Matthias Annual Meeting & Luncheon

All members are expected to attend this annual event of our Parish. Non-members and guests are invited to join us as we enjoy a meal and hold our meeting. Our annual meeting will be an opportunity to celebrate each other and the ministry work of St. Matthias’s Church, with maybe some entertainment along the way.

At the Annual Meeting, reports will be offered to the congregation concerning all things of interest, and the outlook for the future will be presented. The annual meeting is also the time the Parish elects representatives to serve on Vestry, this year with two open seats, as well as the election for Junior Warden, to be decided. Similarly, representatives of our Parish to represent us at Diocesan Council will be elected (four delegates with two alternates). This year’s convention will be held at St. Phillip’s in Charleston.

Mark your calendars!

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit BETHLEHEM (Part II)

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In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
9:30 AM09:30

In the Steps of Jesus - Virtual Tour of the Holy Land

Come visit the Holy Land with our tour guide The Rev. Dr. Peter Walker, as he takes us to the most holy sites and offers great insight into the locations and moments that shape our faith.

A great companion (though not necessary) to our virtual tour is found in Peter’s book In the Steps of Jesus, which is available HERE (along with several other great resources that will enhance this virtual walk with Jesus through the Holy Land).

We meet each Sunday in the Parish Library beginning at 9:30am, so come early and settle in for this wonderful opportunity to visit the Holy Land walking in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This week we visit BETHLEHEM (Part I)

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Lord of the Tragic - Teaching, Healing, & Hope
6:00 PM18:00

Lord of the Tragic - Teaching, Healing, & Hope

If you have dealt with, or are currently dealing with, tragedy and are struggling to reconcile the difficulty with God…….this time together is for you. Based on the book Lord of the Tragic, author and retired professor Dr. Al Truesdale leads us through the challenges of tragedy in this 6 week gathering. A light supper will be offered as well as child care (please notify us if you plan to utilize the child care option so that we can effectively plan to safeguard and care for the group).

A copy of the book will be available at the church office for purchase and it is best to be read before the gathering occurs, if you are able. Alternatively, copies may be ordered directly from Amazon if you prefer HERE.

If you have questions feel free to give us a call.

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Lord of the Tragic - Teaching, Healing, & Hope
6:00 PM18:00

Lord of the Tragic - Teaching, Healing, & Hope

If you have dealt with, or are currently dealing with, tragedy and are struggling to reconcile the difficulty with God…….this time together is for you. Based on the book Lord of the Tragic, author and retired professor Dr. Al Truesdale leads us through the challenges of tragedy in this 6 week gathering. A light supper will be offered as well as child care (please notify us if you plan to utilize the child care option so that we can effectively plan to safeguard and care for the group).

A copy of the book will be available at the church office for purchase and it is best to be read before the gathering occurs, if you are able. Alternatively, copies may be ordered directly from Amazon if you prefer HERE.

If you have questions feel free to give us a call.

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