Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist and Holy Baptism
Readings: Ezekiel 31:1-14 Psalm 92 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 Mark 4:26-34
Hymns: Processional #562 'Stand Up, Stand Up, for Jesus' Gradual #294 'Sing, My Soul, His Wonderous Love' Offertory #331 'When Jesus Left His Father's Throne' Communion #422 'What a Friend We Have in Jesus' and #189 'And Now, O Father, Mindful of the Love' Recessional #355 'All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name!'
Acolytes: Crucifer: Vivian Bryant Server: Bubba Davis
LEM: Deb Embry
Lay Reader: Caroline Herring
Ushers: John Buchko and Drayton Bryant