Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist
Readings: Isaiah 57:14-21 Psalm 22:23-32 Ephesians 2:11-22 Mark 6:30-44
Hymns: Processional #522 'Lord Christ When First Thou Cam'st' Gradual #Insert 'Here I Am Lord' Offertory #566 'Jesus Calls Us' Communion #Insert 'I Am the Bread Of Life' and #196 'Bread of the World' Recessional #289 'O God, Our Help in Ages Past'
Acolytes: Crucifer: Hailey Isgett Server: Bubba Davis
LEM: Deb Embry
Lay Reader: Rebecca Battle-Bryant
Ushers: Vernon DeFee and Bill Rawlinson