Day # 31 - 40 Days of Lent Challenge

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WORD OF TODAY:  Proverbs 28:13-14 (ESV)

13 Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. 14 Blessed is the one who fears the Lord always, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity.


The very first reaction after the first sin occurred was concealment. Adam and Eve first concealed their nakedness, then they concealed themselves from God. As we look back on this attempt to conceal, we are able to see clearly this attempt to conceal did no good. God sees all, and God knows all. So we find concealment of transgressions as nothing more than an escalation of sin. Therefore we know there is no prosperity in concealment of our transgressions, as the proverb proclaims. Prayerfully consider today those desires you have to conceal transgressions, and ask that subconscious actions be revealed as well.

If we desire the mercy of God, our confession is required. This is the only way we might obtain mercy. The difficultly of complete confession is found in the knowledge of the righteous judgment of God. True confession embodies an awareness of the unworthiness of mercy and forgiveness that we seek, and yet by God’s grace the sober penitent finds mercy.

Consider today the abundant mercy shown to those who fear God and confess their transgressions, beginning with Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves, yet God offered the first sacrifice for the transgressions of mankind by providing more fitting garments to clothe them (Gen 3:21). Consider today the mercy you have received, recalling and reflecting upon the effect that mercy has had on others. Offer a prayer for the innocent affected by your transgressions, and a moment to serve those who are innocently suffering today that you might encounter.