Day # 20 - 40 Days of Lent Challenge

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WORD OF TODAY:  Colossians2:13-14 (ESV)

13 And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.


Yesterday we encountered the need to help another with their burden. In the questions, we asked how did our burden become light. It became light because the weight of our burden was taken upon Christ’s shoulders, His wrists, His ankles, His bloodied back and bruised head. He took those burdens from us, and set them aside, nailing them to the cross.

Consider anew today, the magnitude of the Truth that Jesus Christ brought you back to life. You were dead in your trespasses, your sins. You were uncircumcised, you were not of the Tribe of Israel. Your very soul was burdened by the weight of your trespasses. Jesus takes it all away from you and bears it all Himself. What has been the heaviest weight in your life? What great trespasses do you regret? Do these trespasses still burden you?

Scripture tells us the record of debt is canceled, and being set aside the record of the debt, the guilt of the trespass, has been nailed to the cross. Consider today this thought, have you given the record of debt you owe fully to Jesus? The debt must be confessed with the cry for forgiveness accompanied by the amendment of life. This is how the account of your trespass, your debt, is handed over to Christ Jesus to be nailed to the cross.

Have you confessed all and cried to your Lord for forgiveness of all? Have you amended your life completely, and found the peace of renewal in Christ Jesus?